4 Jun 2015. Curlingcalendar.com and the World Curling Federation (WCF) are proud to announce that Curlingcalendar has become a partner of the WCF.
Curlingcalendar is an online community tool that collects bonspiel information from all countries. The calendar launched in 2010 and has now been available for five seasons. The international curling community has added more than 1000 tournaments to the calendar.
- I'm excited how easy it is today to find interesting events, says Markus Sipilä, who decided to build the site with his team mates when they found it difficult to find international bonspiels from the web.
- The concept of Curlingcalendar.com is extremely simple. Anyone can log in to the site with their Facebook accounts and add new tournaments. Other members of the curling community can update the information, just like it is possible to collaborate with the articles in Wikipedia, explains Sipilä.
By granting Curlingcalendar.com a partner status, the World Curling Federation wants to show support to the voluntary work behind the service and encourages everybody to add bonspiels in their country to Curlingcalendar.com.