Wide free parking available.
Maximum 16, Schenkel method adopted (points, ends, stones), 4 guaranteed matches for each team.
It will be played on the basis of 6 ends of h. 1.20 each completing the end started within the time limit set.
The tournament will start on Saturday at 8:30 am and will continue until 18.30 (the order of play will be later communicated). On Saturday evening the participating teams are invited at h. 20:15 at restaurant for social dinner.
The second day will begin at 8:30 am and end at h. 18.30 with refreshments at our Club House and awarding of the winning teams.
We have made an agreement with Hotel St.John, via Buozzi 97 Sesto San Giovanni for those who want to sleep near the Palaseto.
If those coming from far away (maybe by plane) had difficulty carrying his own brooms, they may use those provided by Jass CC.
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