4th Paradise Playcenter Trophy

Curlingcalendar logo
Date of the tournament
Registration DL
Tournament type
Fun & sociable bonspiel

60030 Monsano

Curling Club Paradise
Email address of tournament organizer
info [at] curlingclubparadise.it
Entry fee
380 €
Additional Information

Curling Club Paradise is ready to organize the 4th Paradise Playcenter Trophy.

The entry fee is 380 € for each team and include:
- two nights in hotel in double room
- saturday's dinner
- welcome's buffet

We accept confirm until 22 september.

Four matches guaranteed, 2 course with 12 teams.

The organization will do everything possible to ensure you a pleasant stay in Italy!

Fun & sociable bonspiel in Monsano, Italy from 8 October, 2010 to 10 October, 2010.