Hotel Belle Fleur:
Grand Slam Hotel Budapest:
Susulyka u.
We would like to invite your national mixed doubles team to our international tournament, which will be held eighth time in Budapest.
Ildiko Szekeres and Gyorgy Nagy are the hosts of our competition.
They won silver medal in WMDCC 2009.
Dorottya Palancsa and Zsolt Kiss will also participate on the tournament
who won the World Mixed Doubles Championship in 2013, what was held in Fredericton, Canada.
Their participation in our tournament largely helped their success.
We hope your team also will to take part in our tournament in March 2015.
This event excellent possibility to prepare for the WMDCC 2015.
Entry fee includeslunch for 3 days dinner for 1 day (Friday) and the party on Saturday evening 28th March.
We guarantee minimum 5 matches during tournament for all team.
The winning of I-IV. places gets prices.
In the past few years Canadian, US, Scottish, Czech, Swedish, Danish, Swiss and lot of other National Teams were taking part in our tournament.
If you need any information please contact us.
Contact Persons:
Zsolt Kiss:
We are looking forward the registration of your team.